Congratulations unPLUg Winners!

Congrats to Hong, Pflueger, T-stad and Ordal for a great win.  All together, the residence halls saved 47,000 kWh and nearly $2,000 off of October’s utility bill.

So today Sustainability Department staff are passing out smartstrips to the winning halls. These halls are also moving on to bracket 2 in February, where winning halls will receive $500 to do with what they wish.   Check out more about the BITS smartstrip here.


Going Green is Fact not Fiction at Humber College

Published: October 16, 2009

Humber College is reducing its environmental footprint through ‘brighter’ green initiatives.

Recently, 1050 halogen lights were replaced at the North and Lakeshore campuses with new LED lights from CRS Electronics Inc. “The energy reduction is significant from 50W per lamp down to 6W and they last much longer which reduces waste,” says Spencer Wood, manager, Maintenance & Operations.

The change in bulbs is expected to reduce Humber’s energy consumption from 2,625,000 kWh to 315,000 kWh over the life of the bulbs and generate an 88 per cent reduction in electrical demand and consumption.

This is the latest of many energy efficiency measures that have been implemented in the past three years. Humber is currently using 15 per cent less energy per square foot than four years ago.

“Making the decision to switch to a greener product was easy. During testing it was clear that CRS’s MR16 outperformed the competition,” said David Griffin, manager, Maintenance & Operations. “With CRS’s innovative lights we will reduce operating costs by $525,000 over the estimated nine-year life of the bulbs, in addition to doing our part to reduce our carbon footprint.”

For more information on Humber, visit:

Sustainability Committee Meeting 10/21/09

Attendees: Brian Naasz, Andrew Ratzke, Becca Krzmarzick, Emily Tollefson, Joe Bell, Barb McConathy, Dave Kohler, Chrissy Cooley, Wendy Robins,
1. Announcements

-Tabling for Take Back The Tap next Mon, Tues 11-2 in Red Square

-Will also be calling for the Clean Energy Jobs and American Power Act! –


-Hired Kenny Stansel to be the new Program Leader for Sustainability


-More halls signed up Sustainability Directors

-America Recycles kick off coming soon, thinking about Lids Off campaign


-True Cleaning event in the works for Nov. 18th, as part of America Recycles Week


-It was decided that a 2 each of smartstrips, TBTT bottles, and resusable bags will be donated for the Christmas Luncheon

2. unPLUg

– the way winners are announced needs to be planned, possibly dinner time at the UC

– Next bracket is in February, prizes are a concern

– Monitoring will continue to see if there is an impact when not in competition


-Tabling is next week

-Charter still needs some work to add a metric/tracking component and the responsible parties

-RHA volunteered their swipe system to develop a voluntary listserv as people sign the pledge


-A walkthrough has been scheduled for 2:30 on 11/4 with Joe, Andrew, Dave, and Sara Paz

-Becca and Andrew are in the process of picking out racks

-Emphasis on promoting a bike culture as the big picture, not just installing racks.  This could include

A bike parade

Selling helmets

Incorporated LuteFit

Revamping the bike co-op

5.South Sound Sustainability Summit and Expo

-Keynote Speaker is still needed

-General theme is “activating the green generation”

-Next meeting is 10/22, sponsorship will be a major topic of discussion

-Concerns over placement of the Expo, Olson vs. UC

Women’s Club knows the layouts well

6.PLU 2020

-Task Force will be starting in regards to incorporating sustainability into 2020 planning